Greencast Sweden - Tech Notes

Act this autumn to aid overwinter survival

After exceptionally the cold, slow start to the 2013 season, followed by unseasonably hot dry weather that has restricted summer growth in some areas, turf plants have not had the time or growing conditions necessary for essential recovery.

Create a Mix - follow wwwWALES

Creating a tank mix of products can help to save time and money with spray applications

XC Technology gets sprays on target

Syngenta Application Specialist, Tom Robinson, explains the science behind spray nozzle development - and how new XC Technology can resolve practical issues ...

Keep active moving for summer turf disease control

Greenkeepers in Sweden have reported early attacks of Anthracnose this season, triggered by temperatures of over 20°C around Stockholm in May, putting recove...

Temperatures are rising - Get ready for Primo Maxx

Have you started your Primo Maxx programme?